voided spaces

voided spaces
420chan Imageboards
420chan Imageboards
Voided | Define Voided at Dictionary.com
Goodness gracious, I sure do love me some cute, fuzzy animals! Don't you?

adjective 1. having a void . 2. having been made void : a voided contract. 3. having a section or area that has been cut out or omitted: a voided Greek cross. 4
Flying Spaces
STRUCTUREmag - Structural Engineering.
A relatively new technology developed in Europe has taken the efficiency of cast-in-place flat plate slabs to new heights. Voided slabs have been used in the 420chan Imageboards
voided spaces
voided - definition of voided by the Free.
void·ed (voi d d) adj. Heraldry. Having the central area cut out or left vacant, leaving an outline or narrow border: a voided lozenge. voided [ˈvɔɪdɪd]